Sunday, September 22, 2013

What is love?

There are a couple of things you should know before you continue reading the rest of this post. One of the most important things, is that love isn't the same to everyone. There are some things about love that everyone could view as the same, but there are other things that we could all view differently. You should also know that I am no expert in love, or anything like that. These are all opinions based off of my life, my experiences, and my every day activities.

Okay, anyways. There are a few things I have discovered about love, over the past year and a few months. When I hadn't met Jacob, I wanted to know what the definition of love was, so so badly. How could I ever know if I was in love if I didn't even know what love is? The problem was, that I thought I could logically figure out love. What I have realized from these past 16 months with Jacob, is that love isn't always logical. Matter fact love is almost never logical. It isn't black and white. That is why I had such a hard time. I wanted a "Yes, Christy, THIS is love. that's it", but I should have been more willing to stop thinking so hard and actually enjoy the journey of falling in love.

I've officially been with Jacob for a year and 4 months. While it isn't nearly as long as couples I know and admire, I still have learned a few things about what love --without a definition-- is.

1.It's when neither he or she will eat the last chocolate chip pancake because they both want the other person to have it- even though they both love chocolate chip pancakes.

2.It's when he wants to go out and do stuff, but she is too tired and just wants to lay down and sleep… so he lays down and tries to fall asleep with her.

3.It's when self-sacrifice is worth it if it can make the other person happy.

4.It's sitting down after a long day and having desire to tell him or her about every detail as well as wanting to hear every detail-- because you care about their day. Even if it was just another normal day.

5.It's when he wakes up in the middle of their nap to write something sweet on her iPhone notes, just to remind her how much he loves her.

6.It's when he and she can be completely themselves in front of each other and still be accepted.

7.It's when he keeps saying ridiculously funny stuff in the middle of a emotional breakdown she is having because of something very little but at the time feels big because of PMS.

8.It's when he knows he has an overly emotional girlfriend, but is not embarrassed of her or her actions anywhere he goes.

9.It's when she falls asleep on the couch and he gets up to find a blanket to put over her so she won't be cold.

10.It's when he maker her feel great about herself, even if she's 5'1, weighs 113 pounds, and rarely ever works out.

11.It's when he sleeps uncomfortably and with a numb arm just so she can feel safe and loved while taking a nap.

12.It's when he offers to untangle her hair in the shower so she doesn't have to do it.

13.It's when you can just stare at one another, and know that in a few seconds you will both smile with joy because you're in love with each other.

14.It's when he will watch something he doesn't want to watch, just so he is laying in the same couch, and in the same room with her.

15.It's when she stares blankly at a TV with ESPN on it, as long as she gets to hold his hand.

16.It's when she runs up to him full of excitement after not seeing him for a couple of weeks.

17.It's when just being together leaves her happy and with a feeling of contentment.

These are just a few things that I have discovered about love over the past months, and year.
Although I still am not an expert on the subject of love. I know that love is very very powerful…. and I love it so much.

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